Greetings Surfacedwellers!,
My first post after the trainwreck that was Manga-uh I mean MegaCon/2008.
I had one of my worst turnouts in recent memory, and this was by far my worst MegaCon to date..hopefully it will improve from this point onward.
My clever wordplay with MegaCon is no mere coincidence, over the years one of the southeast's largest con events has mutated from it's humble yet pure Comics friendly roots to the Ginormous media/manga/anime monster that it is today. The spacious floors of the Orange County Convention center were maliciously invaded by countless hordes of furry ear wearing,giant cardboard sword wielding, anime/manga worshipping Lemmings all geared up and ready to profess there undying love and borderline obsessive support for all things far eastern.
Despite the overpriced parking and con admissions the turnout was very good-unfortunately for me ,I had no wide variety of prints sporting giant eyed girls or funny animals and robots decorating my tabletop-just the usual ,highly detailed,classic style comic illustrations for which I had some admirers who leafed through my sample books and checked out some of my latest prints ,and graciously took a business card every now and again, but all in all, no fish were bitin!
The table was free, so my sorrow and dissapointment are temporary-can only hope that next year will be different...cause next year's MegaCon is a BIG one, for me personally and most importantly...professionally!
I started the layouts and pencils on the NEW issue of Mitch Hyman's "BUBBA; the Redneck Werewolf", the new issue is entitled "Rumble in Romania" and will be released this coming June by new publisher Scare Tactix Graphix. The story is by BUBBA creator Hyman, and colors by Frank Turner.
You can read more about BUBBA's next issue on my BUBBA page at the SURFACE ART STUDIOS.
I am also illustrating a short story titled "Pedator & Prey" written by Paul Monsky for his new adventure anthology series; "VAVAVAVOOM" ...more on that later, well have to get back to the ole drawing board, will update you more on everything going on here at the house of the dragon....stay tuned SurfaceDwellers!