"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Sunday, November 6, 2011


NO, I'm not talking about the classic Charles Bronson / James Coburn movie of the same name....I'm talkin about the real world here people.
It's been a tough and rough Summer for me and the studios, normally I would be at a regular output on the creative end of things especially my titles that I have been developing but being unemployed for most of the Summer with the occasionally spotty Job pick up left me in a financially stressful position so to say that my creative juices were not flowing due to this distraction is putting it lightly. I learned first hand how hard it is to get a job, even one with some experience such as myself. I'm not a young man anymore as I quickly found out and it was tricky at times keeping up with some of my teenage co-workers at some workplaces but I persevered and hung in there...I stuck it out. Still got way behind in bills and rent to the point where it was beginning to look bleak, it was times such as these that I was silently thankful for not having a family to provide for, granted it is a bit of a lonely life at times but better for me to suffer hardships than to subject a family to it...that I could not bare.
But flash forward to the present, I currently have a full time, well paying job whereas the security situation is still not totally satisfactory to me, at least I am now caught up with my expenses and am now in the black. Being caught up equals less stress so now I am back to concentrating on my creative works. The end of the year is soon at hand and we'll soon be basking in the warm glow of 2012, a year I see as very important both personally to me and especially professionally as an artist. 2012 will see the first of my creator owned properties debut...the long awaited / delayed "KUDU MAN". Issue #1 is slated for a Summer/2012 release through my Peacenik Press imprint.
Soon other creations of mine will appear in book form and GOD willing they will be received well...I will update you on any progress on these titles as they develop till then my loyal "SURFACEDWELLERS", take heed and be thankful for what you have in life for it can all disappear in but an instant.
Till next time....Peace ;)