"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Monday, September 24, 2007

Orlando comic-con/2007; the Day After!

Well, just returned from my last convention of the year and boy was it a big hot steaming pile of.....BOREDOM!!!

Now I'm not saying the con itself was a failure although there were some apparent problems with the preparation of the event-some of which could have been avoided if certain precautions had been taken.

The Orlando Comic-Con is a young convention only in it's second year of existence in a highly competitive industry. A con this young can't afford a bad rep in the business or it's lifespan will definetly be shortened...and all it takes is a bad word of mouth.

I live in O-town or as I like to refer to it; "the great land of the RAT", so I didn't have far to go to be a part of this lil' party, but other guests did travel, some from outside the country.

I saw some friends at the event, friends like Tommy Castillo, Craig Zablo, Pat Carlucci, Gene Gonzalez, and Mitch Hyman and Steve Sanchez just to name a few; then there were some of the bigger names in the biz; Mario Gully, Leinil Frances Yu, John Beatty, David Lloyd and the legendary Nick Cardy...But at the same time there were some noticeable absences like local based Arcana Studios and Stuart Immonen to name a few who apparently pulled out at the last minute due to some disagreement or misunderstanding between them and the organizers of the con.

I never really got to the bottom of the story but the general feeling was that something was amiss, also the hours were a bit on the weird side-it was advertised as a 3 day con but in reality the first day(which never accured due to some mixup with the resort location) was a 3 hour VIP preview night which would also allow some of the vendors to set up for the next day. Saturday was in all apsects a normal con day (10am-6pm) , normal hours for a Saturday at a convention (the most important and profitable day). Sunday was inexplicably short (11am-3pm), only four hours to try and make a profit with whatever you have to sell wether it be books, toys, cards, art or talent.

I am but a small independent artist trying to make ends meet, granted I, like many other artists have a "real job" in the world , I do not have a large profile name like a Greg Horn, Alex Ross, or a Jim Lee, maybe someday but at the moment I'm just plain ole' humble Shawn Surface so the more hours at a con table can be very important because the not so well known artists and professionals out there need every little cent and ounce of exposure.

In the end I came away paying for my table space with my earnings at the con, which is OK cause as I mentioned earlier ,I live in the Orlando area, a mere 30 minutes from where the con was held-it would have been nice to come away with a little more to put in the piggy bank but again this was a small and young con , one which could stand some more agressive advertising and careful management and planning-hopefully some mistakes made this year in preparation for the event will be remedied by next year.

Glynn and Sara who organized the con as they did last year are still learning the ropes of conventions-they are very nice people and hopefully in time things will all fall into place...the sooner ,the better, they have succesfully attracted some big names to there event and have moved it's date to what I think is a far superior slot in the calendar (September) far away from MegaCons residue in February.

Hopefully there will be an Orlando Comic-Con/2008, it will most likely be held in a different location other than the Caribe Royale Resort which may have caused some of the problems at this years event....time will tell.

My next scheduled cons will not be until next year, next on the agenda are two local, higher profile cons; the FX Extravaganza(January/2008), and the Orlando MegaCon(February/2008).

Till then ,it's back to the ole' drawing board, in the coming months I will be giving updates on some of the projects that I am currently working on including; "the SUPER-7", "BUBBA; the Redneck Werewolf", "Chase's Arctic Adventure", and my first creator owned project....."KUDU-MAN".


Shawn Surface


Thursday, September 13, 2007

"the Last Con".....of 2007!

The final convention,at least for me, of the year is fastly approaching....and I can't wait!

The Orlando Comic-Con, only in it's second year is still suffering from growing pains but has attracted some impressive names to it's ever growing guest list including; Bill Tucci(Shi), Lenil Frances Yu(X-Men), Mario Gully(Ant,Totem), and the legendary Nick Cardy(Teen Titans,Bat Lash).I was thrilled to hear that it was expanding it's stay for three days only to find out, much to my disappointment that it is ,in actuality, really two days. Big names in the business like the gents I mentioned above can coast on a short con like this one, hell even one dayers would be ok with these guys, but small timers like myself plus a number of burgeoning indie creators struggling to get a foothold in the biz ,a short con can be a disaster....luckily for me on this one...I don't have to travel far, it's just a thirty minute drive from my humble lil' studios.

I will, as I usually do, ply my trade as artist at the event, creating on the spot custom commissions for any and all interested while at the same time spreading the word of, "the Shawn", handing out my lil' glossy business cards hoping silently that I'll get a nibble from a potential client or better yet a future employer. But honestly if it helps circulate my name and my studios, and in turn attracts more visitors to me and my site it will be a successful con.

I would like to be on the level of a Adam Hughes, or a Michael Turner, or a Jim Lee whose mere presence at a con guarantees them a hefty check at the end of the weekend...but as always, I'll patiently bide my time for I seek not fame nor fortune, only the chance to live comfortably and securely by my art...that and to win the lotto if only once!

The Orlando Comic-Con starts this coming September 21st-23rd here in the great "land of the Rat", Orlando ,Florida. For any interested in attending the event you can find out more about it at; http://www.orlandocon.net/.

I will be available for commissions, I charge pretty low at $20.oo a pop for a single character, more characters may cost you more. Plus I will have some of my color prints available for sale.

For this years con I have created an exclusive souvenir poster which you see pictured here, it measures approximately 11x17 on semi glossy stock.

I go in with optimistic eyes, I was at last years inaugural event and to put it nicely...."I tanked"!

Hope to see some of you fans down there, if only to stop by and say "Hi".

I will be posting a report on the convention after it's completion...so hopefully something juicy will happen, like a "Tommy Lee/Kid Rock" throwdown, at some of these things peoples egos do tend to get the better of them at times, but alas, I have only noticed these lil' flare ups at the big Wizard World events.

Well......hope springs eternal!

-talk with you later kids,


Shawn Surface


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"Almost Famous....well sort of!"

So what's with the title?

It describes the state that I have been in ,as an artist for the past couple of years.

Although I would much rather be rich than famous, both have had an annoying habit of eluding me like that damn Road Runner in those classic WB cartoons with me ,the ever eager and hungry Coyote in hot pursuit but just out of arms reach of actually getting the prize.

This is not a helping of "sour grapes" I'm trying to feed you here boys and girls, just some observant and self expressive venting from a slightly frustrated artist.

Like most independent comic artists out there in the big bad world I would love to someday work for the "big boys", we know who they are, those giant publishers of the fantastic, purveyors of modern myth who call "Gotham" home, no not that "Gotham", I'm talkin N.Y.C., the "Big Apple".

There is also Dark Horse and Image who are more indepedently minded companies along with newcomers Virgin , Fangoria, and Arcana just to name a few-I would welcome a call and/or email from any one of these companies, but there is one thing that I have learned, and that is that they are not going to come to you, you have to go to them-be persistent, relentless and show them your best.

The seven deadly sins are as follows: Gluttony,Wrath,Pride, Lust, Envy,Greed, and the one I confess to being guilty of...Sloth!

To put it bluntly.....I am one LAZY ASS BASTARD! It disturbs me greatly the amount of time that I have wasted in my life whether it be in front of the TV or computer or just sleeping- it is the one factor that has kept me from advancing my station, a total lack of ambition which can be lethal to any artist has plagued me for most of my career...but that is all about to change.

I just turned 43, in my opinion I have wasted approximately 20 years of my artistic life, 20 years I'll never get back-but as I stated in an earlier entry ,next year around this time will mark the debut of the first of my projects, creator owned projects that I hope will be recieved well in the comics community, at present I am writing the material out, soon to be followed by designing the look of the book(s).

Beginning in 2008 I'll be promoting my first creator owned project "KUDU-MAN" with teaser posters, ad campaigns, T-shirts etc... all for a proposed Fall/2008 release.

I will be telling more about the project in the coming months as details develop, both on my site, the SURFACE ART STUDIOS and in numerous forums throughout the world wide web.

For now, I prepare myself for my last con appearance of the season, the upcoming Orlando Comic-Con here in sunny Orlando ,Florida September 21-23.

As always I will be on hand for commissions for those who wish to own some custom comic art-good news being, I'm not Adam Hughes , Alex Ross, or J. Scott Campbell, meaning that I won't be charging astronomical amounts for my scribbles, just a mere $20 for a sketch, maybe a tad more for an extra character-but just to let you know ,I am highly succeptable to haggling so you may get lucky. I will also have prints available including a special souvenir print for the con itself.

So, if you find yourself in the neighborhood, come on by and say "Hi", or sit a spell and chat a while we can talk about the biz, beautiful women, and the world in general...not necessarily in that order.

see you then; Peace

Shawn Surface


Sunday, September 2, 2007

"HOLY SHIT! I'm middle aged!"

On this very day in the maternity ward of the Snohomish County(Washington) Hospital I drew my first breath...in 1964....43 years ago! "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"
No I am not having a mid-life crisis, I think one has to have a life to begin with to have a crisis, and before you think this is the senseless ramblings of yet another artist gone mad...think again.
Normally I don't give my birthdays much thought but this one does have some personal significance, the main one being of surprise that I am still upright and kicking strongly.
There are a few birthdays that mean something to a guys life, of course 13 is a magic number which begins the slow confusing, and often nightmarish 7 year period of the average teenager.
20 is the number that starts you up the path of adulthood while 40 gets you over "the hump"of life which brings me to my present and fairly recent state of 43.
I have a full year to experience what its going to be like to be a 43 year old male human being.
Deep within the small cavity that contains myself ,my identity, I am an ageless soul stuck in a perpetual loop that keeps me ever young while the outside world and the ravages of nature take their toll on my rather large but frail mortal form.
At 43 I still have my health despite a few annoying pings and pangs here and there, but more importantly, as an artist, I still have a reasonably clear mind and my hands ,albeit a bit arthritic at times.
At 43 I have few friends, I'm not the most outgoing of individuals, infact at times I can be downright anti-social, but the friends I do have are "keepers" ones that I can truly trust, without question, and in todays world that is rare indeed.
At 43 I find myself single and with no kids, like I said before I am not the most outgoing of individuals...plus last I heard Salma Hayek is getting married and is with child so why bother?
At 43 as a professional I am sort of pleased where I am at present, I can live off my talent as an artist/illustrator which is one of the goals I have always dreamed of having. My plate is 75% full at the moment with plans on filling it even more in the near future, so at the moment I am content.
What's next ,well 44 of course, but that's a long ways away yet, but with the grace of GOD and a little luck and a lot of ca$h, this time next year; September 3, 2008 will see the debut of my first creator owned project, something I have been working on for some time now.
I could tell you all about it now but the tiny little paranoid schitzophrenic in me screams at me when I threaten to spill my guts....patience is a virtue, one that will hopefully ,in the end, will pay off...BIG!
To all 43 year olds out there, you have my sympathies, to the "youngins" who are yet to be 43, "fear not that which is inevitable."
To those 43 and older, hope to see your numbers soon and join your club.
Now I know what your thinking, what can I get this poor bastard for a birthday gift?
I'll make it sickiningly simple...7 simple words; "In leiu of flowers, please send cash!"
-just kidding-PEACE ;)

-Shawn Surface