"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Friday, December 31, 2010


I for one am excited to see 2010 go the way of the Dinosaur! Its been a long frustrating year which began with me in dire financial waters but now that I am in a more steady, secure position with a new/old job, things have definitely taken on a brighter hue and now with the approach of 2011 I can surely say things are looking downright sunny for me creatively for...the year of "the KUDU" is finally upon us!

Now actually 2010 was supposed to the year of "the KUDU" but due to obvious financial woes the celebration had to be postponed by a year. "The KUDU MAN", my first creator owned project will finally see print later this year (SUMMER/2011) and hopefully, with luck he'll make a big splash-at least as big as one can make with a small press indie comic. I am not by nature an optimistic creature but out of all my ideas I feel the most positive about this one as far as appeal and success are concerned. The series centers on one man's never ending battle to save the planet which is quickly and methodically being destroyed by the greatest threat to it's very existence since a certain asteroid struck it over 160 million years ago....I am of course referring to...MAN!

Do not get the idea that this is going to be another "Captain Planet" message pounding storyline for kids-this will be a serious book with dark undertones addressing some of the most seriously heated issues that haunt us today...issues like pollution, deforestation, endangered species, war, famine just to mention a few. But the series has to start somewhere and what better way than with issue #1 of course. Officially the first issue will be available this coming Summer through my Peacenik Press imprint here at the Surface Art Studios but a limited amount of preview copies of the premier issue will be available at MegaCon 2011 (Orlando, Fl. March 25-27) along with an assortment of related merchandise items.

KUDU MAN's official website will be active by early February at the latest, my friend and webmaster Vince Vinson will be constructing it as he has win the past with my site at the Surface Art Studios. I will officially make an announcement once the site is up and running along with any new developments and news concerning KUDU MAN. Also in development; I am planning on contacting various conservational and environmental organizations for possible sponsorship and endorsement venues. Again, all news and developments pertaining to KUDU MAN will be made available here at "SURFACEWORLD" and at the official KUDU MAN website news page as they occur.

Thanks again for the continued support and here's looking to a bright new 2011..."HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY"!!! :D

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Out with the old, in with the NEW!"


2010 is almost history as we find ourselves near the end of another year on the planet-and man did it blow by fast!

It was a somewhat productive year for me professionally as I finally started on my first creator owned project; "KUDU-MAN!" I was a "no show" on the con circuit this year but not from lack of trying, the one convention I had reserved a table at was cancelled-a sign of the tough times that everyone is having nowadays with this brutal recession. I relunctantly went back to an old job of mine which has, thus far, worked out...hey steady income is welcome no matter the source unless illegal that is....it was time to swallow some pride and start catching up on some debts.

Creatively I started developing some additional projects, some of which were long standing ideas that had been festering in my limited imagination for quite some time (more on those at a later date). 2011 will be a big year for me as far as the con seen goes, and hopefully a successful one too as I begin to heavily promote "KUDU-MAN!" throughout this great land of ours both through the con circuit and on the internet, for my ultimate goal is to not only have people in America dig him and what hes about but people all around the world too-and that will take a lot of work and luck combined. I have set up my first con appearance for next year; the Orlando MegaCon (March 25th-27th, 2011). MegaCon is one of the largest conventions in the south and still one of the most affordable and this year it will be special for me cause it will mark the first official appearance of my debut creation in the comics world..."KUDU-MAN!"

Issue #1 will be available on my table at the convention and I fully plan on not being shy about that fact-with additional advertising and a high visible profile at the upcoming cons I should be easy to find.

With the addition of KM's release he will have an official website launched (early next year) and my own website; http://www.surfaceartstudios.com/ will get a long needed update and new look, both of which will be announced vigorously on the world wide web...so stay tuned for future announcements from me and the "House of the Dragon".

-peace ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Movie Review; "Scott Pilgrim vs the World"

Greetings "Surfacedwellers",

Haven't posted anything much lately, been busy do the the everyday living life thing not to mention work, art stuff, and unfortunately general laziness. This time instead of regailing you with the usual slow development of all things from the "house of the Dragon" I will entertain you with a movie review.

I know this film came out a while back (in fact the movie comes to video in October) but it was one of the more recent films I've watched so here goes... ""Scott Pilgrim vs the World" is another film adaptation based on a graphic novel or should I say a collection of graphic novels created by Bryan Lee O'Malley and it chronicles the mirthless mis-adventures of everyday life of yes, you guessed it; Scott Pilgrim! Pilgrim is a young twentysomething clueless layabout who when not practicing with his garage band friends ("Sex Bob-omb") is pretty much a "tool", using girls and being a general ass...then one fateful day, he meets the girl of his dreams; Ramona Flowers. Unbeknownst to Mr. Pilgrim his new love comes with some serious baggage in the form of seven evil exes who are out to disrupt any chance of Ramona establishing a normal relationship...Pilgrim finds this out all too soon-painfully!

I have yet to read the novels but I kinda liked the film-I know that's not exactly a ringing endorsement but it wasn't meant to be. The movie has a distinctive look and flavor to it aimed at the gamer/alternative music/comic set and it has a powerful soundtrack featuring music by Beck and Black Sheep among others. The film was produced and directed by Edgar Wright(Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz) and done well- a good flow of energy only suffering minor slow spots in a few places. The cast was effective and with the aid of a well written script(Michael Bacall/Edgar Wright) they perform convincingly. The cast includes; Ellen Wong, Keiran Culkin, Brandon Routh, Alison Pill,Brie Larson, Chris Evans and last but not least Michael Cera(Juno) as Scott Pilgrim and Mary Elizabeth Winstead(Live Free-Die Hard)as the object of his obsession Ramona.

There are all sorts of films out there to check out, and you do not always have to like the serious epic classics or more introspective intelligent thought provoking stories, sometimes it's good just to take a break and watch a good funny, kinda stupid film and I guess that's the best way I can describe "Scott Pilgrim vs the World". It's a simple romantic fantasy/comedy with a message that isn't being banged over your skull like Donkey Kong...Hey it's not "Ben-Hur" or "Inception" for that matter but it is in my opinion an enjoyable little escape from the everyday crapola we are constantly subjected to in the real world...and that what movies are really all about-right? :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

end of August...ALREADY?

DAMN!, How time flies!

September is fastly approaching (September 3 is my birthday "hint,hint") and boy did it sneek up on me, been busy working my ass off at both jobs and snoozing when I can on the down time, that's not when I'm not on WoW("World of Warcraft"). Yes it's official, I have become yet another brainwashed Warcraft "zombie", well not totally brainwashed...I'm on the 10 day free trial thing to test it out.

It's ok for another avenue of escapism, when I'm not watching films or doing the art but I do not see myself getting addicted to it like so many others I've heard of, granted I do not have much of a personal life, but I do like to get out and hug the trees and hear the birds sing every once in a while ;)

Art update; Just finished the pencils and inks on a cover of the sci-fi maxi series "Super-7" for creator Robert Wawrzyniak (art pictured above), it will be colored by artist Scott Shoemaker. Just finished a couple of commissions for some clients plus a company logo and title design for a local business.

My work on "KUDU-MAN!" is going slow at the moment due to other jobs, so a Fall release will be out of the question at this point, so I am now concentrating on premeiring the book at next years MegaCon here in Orlando, that and some promo spots and book signings will hopefully be a good start for me and my first creator owned project...I'll keep all you "SURFACEDWELLERS" updated on all new developments pertaining to this and all other projects coming from the "house of the Dragon".

It's that time of year again...yep football season has started, the little crazed fan inside me has just two words for ya..."GO STEELERS!!!!!!"

-till next time sports fans, peace ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A case of the "Summertime Blues"...and Gout!


Time for yet another action packed, fun filled, highly anticipated installment of, yes, you guessed it! "SURFACEWORLD"(please hold applause). I wanted to open this stunning little chapter with the Sun, that huge life giving orb of constantly burning gasses and inexhaustable energy...oh, and the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE!!!!

Now I'm aware that the millions of "SURFACEDWELLERS" out there are from all over this great globe of ours with all sorts of temperate scenarios but here in the "House of the Dragon" it's one hot place to be and no ,I'm not referring to it's popularity...it is ,in a word; B R U T A L!

We have been suffering from some irrepressable heat as of late here in sunny Orlando and I for one am sick of it! I have always been a cold weather guy and believe me had I the resources I would be living comfortably with my many fans in Canada, but till the great day of that planned migration I will have to suffer the slings and arrows of our ever increasing climate temperature.

No such thing as "Global Warming"....MY ASS!

To make matters even more unbearable I seem to be the recently proud father of a rather annoying (and painful) bout of Gout which makes walking somewhat of an adventure...Gout is an inflamation of the joints, a form of Arthritis, my Gout is attacking my big toe on my right foot at the moment and I'm treating it as best as I can save cutting my toe off with a rusty saw.

Well enough of my "bitchjing", what's new on the art front? Not much at the moment, I've been inking a new variant cover for the limited sci-fi series "SUPER-7" that I worked on with creator Robert Wawrziniak and artist Scott Shoemaker. Bob is planning on having "flip covers adorn each issue of the 12 part series, meanwhile he is also busy putting in the final dialogue balloons and wording in the issues...so hopefully come next Spring the first issue of this long awaited series will see the light.

I am continuing my work on my "KUDU-MAN" series, it's slow going but thats expected when one has a day job and stuff to deal with like say...the unbearable heat and gout!!!

I also recently entered a contest celebrating the 35th anniversary of "Captain Canuck" which ends in mid August, there are some prizes and cash rewards so I thought I would give it a shot see what happens.

For the moment that is about it, I have some others news that I will divulge next time around (don't want to give you guys too much info-tends to make the brain hurt ;)

Till next time kids, take care stay cool and watch that diet cause the GOUT is out to getcha!!!!

-peace ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

..."back to WORK!"


After an embarrassing long and unproductive two weeks, I'm kicking myself in the ass and getting onto the drawing table. Tons o' work to catch up on, and that's just the outside work like the piece pictured here.

The little "Mari-Con" I attended here in Orlando went well, better than I expected considering it was a very small first year event, sold a few prints and books ,even did a commission. The people were nice and atmosphere...well let's just say it was "educational".

The only downer part of the weekend was that I had mysteriously injured my big toe, could hardly walk on it, thought at one point that I may have broken it-but found out later that it was only a bad sprain, well it's on the mend now so things are getting back to normal or as normal as things get her at the "house of the Dragon".

Picked up some side work with a company called "SPLASH", they design and build inflatable playgrounds, games etc...I was hired to tweak up some of the look of their products and do some light design work on some others.

Besides the commission work I am also doing some character designs for a local company(one of them pictured above). Also working on a "Captain Canuck" piece for a client.

"KUDU-MAN" is coming along nicely, nearly finished with the pencils and layouts on the first issue-in the process of designing a cover illustration for the debut issue.

Working on some additional cover work for "SUPER-7" ,a science fiction series I worked on a while ago with creator/writer Robert Wawzyniak.

The passing of the legendary Frank Frazetta last month was followed by the death of another one of my early artistic influences and old Frazetta collaborator Al Williamson best known for his work on "Flash Gordon", and the "Star Wars" daily strips ,he was only 79. I never had the chance to meet these gigantic talents but there work nonetheless made a huge impression on me as a young artist and still does to this day...they are unfortunately gone but the masterpieces they left behind continue to impress and inspire new generations of aspiring artists everywhere.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"a GAY ole time!"...


Not much to report from the "house of the Dragon" this month except that I will be attending my first convention of 2010. It's a small first year con called the "Mari-Con" and it is right here in Orlando and practically FREE! Two of the main reasons that appealed to me.

The convention is being sponsored by a popular local comic retailer called "a Comic Shop" and by "What's Happening" magazine, for those not in the know, What's Happening is a popular gay entertainment publication, that's right ,I said GAY!

Mari-Con is the first gay community related comic and toy convention that I ever heard of let alone have a table at. A friend of mine informed me of the upcoming convention and told me a little about it so I knew what it was all about before I decided to reserve a table.

It is a small two day convention starting June 4th and 5th and it's being held at the Doubletree Resort/Orlando on International drive...oh and admission is FREE!

It is a first year convention with little promotion so my expectations are not high but it should prove interesting...I'll be available for commission sketches and will also have some limited quality prints of some of my work available along with some issues of some of the books I have worked on. Coming along for the ride, so to speak ,is my friend and colorist Vince Vinson from Scare Tactix Graphix, who has just finished doing the coloring chores on issues #3 and #4 of Ramsey Rusef's "Billy the Monster Hunter" series, he will also be available for book signings.

So if you're in the Orlando area this coming weekend by all means stop in at the Mari-Con and say "Hey"doors open at 12 noon....I'll give all who care a post con report after the event till then take care and Peace. ;)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"the passing of a LEGEND!"

Found out late Monday that the art world had lost yet another legend, internationally famous fantasy artist/illustrator Frank Frazetta passed away after suffering a severe stroke in south Florida....he was 82 years old.

I had never met Mr. Frazetta but his work was a major inspiration to me and was a key motivator in me wanting to become an artist. In my youth I collected the now valuable posters of his works, and later on his original art book series which not only featured his now famous lushly colored portrayals of beautiful, voluptuous women but also detailed black and white plates also depicting fantastic creatures, exotic settings, and hardened heroic figures. Frazetta got his start in the comics field in the late 40's mainly illustrating westerns and science fiction subjects, even at an early age his painstakingly detailed hand was apparent. His work, especially his fantasy paintings were a huge hit in the late 60's through the 80's and made his work instantly recognizable making him a rarity in the field...highly successful and recognized.

His cover art for the paperback series of Robert E. Howard's infamous barbarian; "Conan" not only expanded his popularity but also introduced a new generation of readers to Howard's work. Over the years and to this day his work has not only inspired generations of would be artists but also art directors and film makers who have delved into the fields of fantasy and science fiction.

The master is gone but his countless masterpieces live on in museums, art books, posters, and comics to further inspire us all and to leave an indelible impression on generations to come.

R.I.P Frank Frazetta 1928-2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

"IRON MAN 2", a real "CLUNKER"!

Just returned from seeing the latest mega budgeted, highly anticipated, and highly hyped Hollywood sequel, and boy it did not dissapoint, well it did actually and looking back I should have expected it. I am speaking of "IRON MAN 2", the latest addition to the ever growing highly budgeted comic book adaptation film industry.

I did a review of the first "IRON MAN" film right here in "SURFACEWORLD" just a few short years ago and despite the fact that I wasn't much of a fan of the character I came away liking the film very much, not only with the storyline and direction but also with the performances by the fine cast that was assembled for the feature....This time however, I cannot same the same for this follow up. I wanted to go and enjoy the film, and visually it is very enjoyable, and no I am not just talking about Scarlet Johanson although she was a big source of the visual delights of the movie, I wanted to have the same experience as I did watching the first film with its high octane action sequences, smooth storytelling, and powerful direction and performances...it just didn't happen! This sequel, as with the first film, was directed by Jon Favreau("Swingers") but for some unexplainable reason it did not have the same "flow" to it, it did not sail as smoothly as it's predecessor. Granted most if not all films have a slow spot, a short period where things bog down a bit and these spots can be noticeable-very noticeable in a high action story such as this one and in my honest opinion thats what hurts this film most...lack of "flow".

The effects are top notch, again an expectation in todays films of such subject matter. Favreau does his best I guess, and sometimes it comes off that he may be trying to hard, perhaps to compensate for the story which was kinda weak. I do give the film credit in delving more into the character of Tony Stark(Robert Downey Jr.) who is dealing not only with the legacy of his long dead father, but with possibly fatal health matters concerning "the suit". The story also delivers an interesting antagonist in the person of Ivan Vanko(Mickey Rourke), Russia's answer to the technical "wunderkind" Stark. The character based on a lame villlian named "Whiplash" in the comics is effectively portrayed in the film as a failed son of a disgraced industrialist wizard whose partnership with Stark's father destroyed him.

The cast just seemed like they were going through the motions in my opinion, I'll be the first to admit that I am not an actor but I know my movies and know when an actor/actress shows up and performs-this time around it just seemed that everyones heart wasn't into the show. A lot of "flash" and hardly any "substance".

The new members in this film are Sam Rockwell("Moon") who plays Justin Hammer, a high tech weapons designer/manufacturer and old rival of Starks and Scarlet Johanson("Ghost World") who plays Natalie Romanoff aka Natalia Romanov("Black Widow") a S.H.E.I.L.D agent assigned to Stark Industries under the guise of a legal assisstant, and Don Cheadle("Hotel Rwanda") who replaced actor Terrence Howard("the Brave One")in portraying Stark's friend, Colonel James Rhodes aka "War Machine". Both actors are highly talented and praised but here they too seem to have been compensating for the story, too much Rockwell, and not enough Johanson, not enough Cheadle in this case. The story has so many plot holes that it almost resembles Swiss Cheese, holes I might add that any 2nd grade fanboy could drive a semi rig through. This comic book sequel is not near as dissapointing as a; "Batman & Robin" or a "Spider-Man 3" but it came dangerously close.

***SPOILER ALERT: Now you can stay through the credits if you like, and yes there is a little film vignette at the end but it is lame! It was even more dissapointing than the 2 hour film I had just seen, I mean, c'mon I watched through the credits just to see a smoldering hammer stuck in the middle of a large crater...."WHAT THE HELL"?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a "KICK ASS" review;

I rarely go out to see movies anymore, hell I work as a projectionist at a movie theatre so I'm sure you can deduce the reason why, that and the fact that Hollywierd produces primarily unwatchable crapola on a regular basis. But ever so often I spot a trailer that catches my curiosity..."KICK ASS" caught my curiosity.

With my combined love of the comic book genre and cinematic graphic ,senseless violence I just had to go check the film out and simply put...this film "KICKS ASS"!

Now granted, it isn't going to win any Oscars any time soon or be listed amongst the timeless classics at the AFI (American Film Institute), but to be honest, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. It is yet another film adaptation of a comic book series, in this case; Kick Ass from ICON studios, the series was created by writer Mike Millar and artist John Romita Jr. and tells the story of a young teen wannabe superhero in today's real world atmosphere.

Our young hero Dave Lizewski, played by ( Aaron Johnson) is a young high school nerdy type who has, along with his buddies a deep abiding love for all things comic book, and one fateful day he decides, what the hell, to finally become that which he has always wanted to be...a superhero!

Unfortunately for Dave he soon finds out that the profession of crimefighter is a treacherous one which he finds out the hard way. Calling himself "Kick Ass" he soon becomes an internet sensation and all around popular guy which soon catches the attention of the local crime boss (Mark Strong) and some real life costumed crimefighters (Nicolas Cage / Chloe Moretz). The film like it's original source material is "R" rated due to graphic depictions of violence and some cursing but nothing that would cause Quentin Tarantino to blush. The movie is well directed by Matthew Vaughn who is no stranger to the comic genre, he also directed the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's four color fantasy; "Stardust". The movie has a good steady pace and only slows for a sec, the film has some funny moments, the biggest in my opinion, when the pint sized killing machine "Hit Girl"(Chloe Moretz) makes her first appearance in the film by dispatching a group of thugs gleefully to the all too familiar beat of the "Banana Splits" theme song. The movie does take a turn for the serious at times especially concerning "Hit Girl's" father..."Big Daddy"(Nicolas Cage-doing his best Adam West impersonation). I never read the comic series, in fact I had never heard of it until the film came out, but I will definitely check them out now.

But be warned those with families, this film is not for the kiddies...it is a hard "R" for a reason but if you like films like "Sin City", "Hellboy", and "Kill Bill" you'll definitely get a kick out of "KICK ASS"!

Friday, February 26, 2010

"A Newer, Brighter 2010!"

Greetings "Surfacedwellers",

My first official blog entry in "Surfaceworld" of 2010 starts on an up note for a change, a new job, a new start for me, the man.

As with a lot of my fellow GOD fearing Americans out there and for that matter a lot of my international brothers and sisters around the world 2009 was not a good year, mostly on the financial front but that was then and this is now.

I have changed my day job, went back to an old job which fortunately pays better and provides more hours so I am finally at long last getting caught up on past debts and slowly but surely returning to a somewhat normal life, good thing to cause the ole "Shawnster" was just not cut out to live the life 18th century style.

So I am back on schedule both personally and professionally. My first creator owned property, "KUDU-MAN!" is back on schedule for a fall release later this year, I had planed on doing a special preview book for the series but financial hardships put that idea in the shitter priorities being what they are and such.

I have just finished turning in the pencils for "Billy the Monster Hunter" #4 to Scare Tactix Graphix and friend/colorist Vince Vinson is providing the stuning colorwork on this issue as well, just as he's done on the entire series to date. "Billy #2" is currently available for purchase, just visit the Scare Tactix Graphix website for info, http://www.scaretactixgraphix.com/

I continue to iron out the writing details on my fantasy love story "A Tale of REM" which will hopefully see print late in 2011 will keeep all appraised of the developments as they occur.

I will be returning to the internet on a more regular basis shortly so I will keep better in touch with all you supporters out there in dreamland...till then take care ,have a great year, and may the GODS of fortune and contentment smile upon you and yours.