I for one am excited to see 2010 go the way of the Dinosaur! Its been a long frustrating year which began with me in dire financial waters but now that I am in a more steady, secure position with a new/old job, things have definitely taken on a brighter hue and now with the approach of 2011 I can surely say things are looking downright sunny for me creatively for...the year of "the KUDU" is finally upon us!
Now actually 2010 was supposed to the year of "the KUDU" but due to obvious financial woes the celebration had to be postponed by a year. "The KUDU MAN", my first creator owned project will finally see print later this year (SUMMER/2011) and hopefully, with luck he'll make a big splash-at least as big as one can make with a small press indie comic. I am not by nature an optimistic creature but out of all my ideas I feel the most positive about this one as far as appeal and success are concerned. The series centers on one man's never ending battle to save the planet which is quickly and methodically being destroyed by the greatest threat to it's very existence since a certain asteroid struck it over 160 million years ago....I am of course referring to...MAN!
Do not get the idea that this is going to be another "Captain Planet" message pounding storyline for kids-this will be a serious book with dark undertones addressing some of the most seriously heated issues that haunt us today...issues like pollution, deforestation, endangered species, war, famine just to mention a few. But the series has to start somewhere and what better way than with issue #1 of course. Officially the first issue will be available this coming Summer through my Peacenik Press imprint here at the Surface Art Studios but a limited amount of preview copies of the premier issue will be available at MegaCon 2011 (Orlando, Fl. March 25-27) along with an assortment of related merchandise items.
KUDU MAN's official website will be active by early February at the latest, my friend and webmaster Vince Vinson will be constructing it as he has win the past with my site at the Surface Art Studios. I will officially make an announcement once the site is up and running along with any new developments and news concerning KUDU MAN. Also in development; I am planning on contacting various conservational and environmental organizations for possible sponsorship and endorsement venues. Again, all news and developments pertaining to KUDU MAN will be made available here at "SURFACEWORLD" and at the official KUDU MAN website news page as they occur.
Thanks again for the continued support and here's looking to a bright new 2011..."HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY"!!! :D