"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Friday, February 26, 2010

"A Newer, Brighter 2010!"

Greetings "Surfacedwellers",

My first official blog entry in "Surfaceworld" of 2010 starts on an up note for a change, a new job, a new start for me, the man.

As with a lot of my fellow GOD fearing Americans out there and for that matter a lot of my international brothers and sisters around the world 2009 was not a good year, mostly on the financial front but that was then and this is now.

I have changed my day job, went back to an old job which fortunately pays better and provides more hours so I am finally at long last getting caught up on past debts and slowly but surely returning to a somewhat normal life, good thing to cause the ole "Shawnster" was just not cut out to live the life 18th century style.

So I am back on schedule both personally and professionally. My first creator owned property, "KUDU-MAN!" is back on schedule for a fall release later this year, I had planed on doing a special preview book for the series but financial hardships put that idea in the shitter priorities being what they are and such.

I have just finished turning in the pencils for "Billy the Monster Hunter" #4 to Scare Tactix Graphix and friend/colorist Vince Vinson is providing the stuning colorwork on this issue as well, just as he's done on the entire series to date. "Billy #2" is currently available for purchase, just visit the Scare Tactix Graphix website for info, http://www.scaretactixgraphix.com/

I continue to iron out the writing details on my fantasy love story "A Tale of REM" which will hopefully see print late in 2011 will keeep all appraised of the developments as they occur.

I will be returning to the internet on a more regular basis shortly so I will keep better in touch with all you supporters out there in dreamland...till then take care ,have a great year, and may the GODS of fortune and contentment smile upon you and yours.