"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hard to believe that June is already upon us, kids are out of school, Summer is in session, and the annual blockbuster season has begun in theatres nationwide....oh and the "Ultimate-7" has finally arrived in our solar system!
The 12 issue science fiction maxi series created and written by author Robert Wawrzyniak and drawn by me and artist Scott Shoemaker finally hits the pre-order scene with the June issue of the "PREVIEWS" catalog. Wawrzyniak's labor of love was a life long project, almost ten years in the making, a tale of high adventure in interstellar space, rife with amazing alien races of all types, epic space battles, and a universe full of exotic worlds all at the simple turn of the page.
Joining us on this amazing sci-fi adventure is a virtual "whos who" in the comic biz; artists like; Greg Horn, Mike Ploog, Skottie Young, Steve Sanchez, Billy Tucci, Simon Bisley, Mike Mayhew, and Ken Kelly just to name a few who've provided some stunning artworks for our covers. Like I mentioned the current June issue of PREVIEWS is in comic stores everywhere-look for our full page advertisement about the series...
The first issue comes out in stores this August, we invite you to join in on the adventure that promises to be as big as the cosmos itself. To find out more about "the Ultimate-7", the characters and the people behind the scenes just visit the official Ultimate-7 website at; http://www.theultimate7.com As part of the promotional campaign there will be online interviews, internet and print advertising and general spot information articles about the series and it's creators.
We hope that you will join us...Peace :)