"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"The Shape of Things to Come..."

"Greetings SURFACEDWELLERS," It has been quite sometime since I have posted here in SURFACEWORLD, life and work have kept me away much longer than anticipated. Currently I am knee deep in work and preparation for the coming year, 2013...that is if those Mayans weren't right and the world doesn't manage to end come the end of this year-lets hope not, I have wayyyy too much work left to do-too much yet to accomplish. As I have been the past year and a half, I've been dilligently working on my books; "KUDU-MAN" and "MANDI", getting them ready for their eventual release. "KUDU-MAN" was temporarily put on the back burner while I worked on other projects but now hes getting my full attention once again. I am also putting together what will be my first official art book, simply named "SURFACEART"(see cover above), the book will contain a small collection of some of my earlier works in both black and white pieces and full color. This will also mark the first official publication under my Peacenik Press banner. Peacenik Press will soon have an official website as well, which will serve as the official website of all my published works...I will make an announcement as soon as its up and running. I will do my best to update more often both here and in my gallery, to see more recent work by me visit my deviantart page at;www.surfaceart.deviantart.com
Till next time I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season-take care, peace. :)

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