"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"the BIG CON!"

Greetings "SurfaceDwellers",

It's that time of year again, convention season is once again upon us here and it is my sincerest hope to make it to some of them this year.

I am a confirmed guest at "Artists Alley" in two of my local cons (Florida); MegaCon-2009 (Feb 28-Mar-1) and the FX Extravaganza (Apr-17-19) both located here in Orlando Florida at the Orange County convention center .

I also hope to attend the annual Heroes Convention (Jun 19-21) in Charlotte, North Carolina.

So, if your in the area stop by and look me up ,I will have some limited edition prints of my work available , some issues of my most recent books which I illustrated like; "BUBBA; the Redneck Werewolf/Rumble in Romania" and "Billy the Monster Hunter" both still available from Scare Tactix Graphix http://www.scaretactixgraphix.com/. I will also, as always,be available for commissions drawing your favorite characters on request...all at an affordable price!

Here at the studio I am close to completing the final issue of Robert Wawrzyniak's 12 issue science fiction adventure; "SUPER-7" , its been a long time coming but finally the end is in sight, the epic series will end in a special double sized action packed issue. To read more on the upcoming series pay a visit to the official website at; http://www.kickasscomics.com/.

I am also at the early layout stage on a special "BUBBA;the Redneck Werewolf" poster that will be available soon...stay tuned for some special sneek peeks of the art as it develops.

In other developments from "the SURFACEWORLD"; I am nearing completion on writing the debut story arc on my first creator owned project; "KUDU-MAN!" Once completed I'll move onto the easy part...drawing it!

I am continuing to develop my long conceived fantasy "A Tale of REM" which will not be an ongoing series but a limited and eventually a graphic novel, this is a story that has been with me for quite some time now and its a relief to finally be at the stage now that I can seriously start work on it.

As always stay tuned for further developments, hope to see you at some upcoming conventions if funding allows ,if not ,just drop me a line here or contact me at; surfaceartstudios@yahoo.com

Hope to hear from you...



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