"Chronicling the insane, mundane, urbane, migraine, and general mirthless mis-adventures of all things SURFACE!"

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"Almost Famous....well sort of!"

So what's with the title?

It describes the state that I have been in ,as an artist for the past couple of years.

Although I would much rather be rich than famous, both have had an annoying habit of eluding me like that damn Road Runner in those classic WB cartoons with me ,the ever eager and hungry Coyote in hot pursuit but just out of arms reach of actually getting the prize.

This is not a helping of "sour grapes" I'm trying to feed you here boys and girls, just some observant and self expressive venting from a slightly frustrated artist.

Like most independent comic artists out there in the big bad world I would love to someday work for the "big boys", we know who they are, those giant publishers of the fantastic, purveyors of modern myth who call "Gotham" home, no not that "Gotham", I'm talkin N.Y.C., the "Big Apple".

There is also Dark Horse and Image who are more indepedently minded companies along with newcomers Virgin , Fangoria, and Arcana just to name a few-I would welcome a call and/or email from any one of these companies, but there is one thing that I have learned, and that is that they are not going to come to you, you have to go to them-be persistent, relentless and show them your best.

The seven deadly sins are as follows: Gluttony,Wrath,Pride, Lust, Envy,Greed, and the one I confess to being guilty of...Sloth!

To put it bluntly.....I am one LAZY ASS BASTARD! It disturbs me greatly the amount of time that I have wasted in my life whether it be in front of the TV or computer or just sleeping- it is the one factor that has kept me from advancing my station, a total lack of ambition which can be lethal to any artist has plagued me for most of my career...but that is all about to change.

I just turned 43, in my opinion I have wasted approximately 20 years of my artistic life, 20 years I'll never get back-but as I stated in an earlier entry ,next year around this time will mark the debut of the first of my projects, creator owned projects that I hope will be recieved well in the comics community, at present I am writing the material out, soon to be followed by designing the look of the book(s).

Beginning in 2008 I'll be promoting my first creator owned project "KUDU-MAN" with teaser posters, ad campaigns, T-shirts etc... all for a proposed Fall/2008 release.

I will be telling more about the project in the coming months as details develop, both on my site, the SURFACE ART STUDIOS and in numerous forums throughout the world wide web.

For now, I prepare myself for my last con appearance of the season, the upcoming Orlando Comic-Con here in sunny Orlando ,Florida September 21-23.

As always I will be on hand for commissions for those who wish to own some custom comic art-good news being, I'm not Adam Hughes , Alex Ross, or J. Scott Campbell, meaning that I won't be charging astronomical amounts for my scribbles, just a mere $20 for a sketch, maybe a tad more for an extra character-but just to let you know ,I am highly succeptable to haggling so you may get lucky. I will also have prints available including a special souvenir print for the con itself.

So, if you find yourself in the neighborhood, come on by and say "Hi", or sit a spell and chat a while we can talk about the biz, beautiful women, and the world in general...not necessarily in that order.

see you then; Peace

Shawn Surface


1 comment:

Craig Zablo said...

I plan to attend OrlandoCon with my buddy Beatty who is a guest. See you there!